Latest abusive spam from Caltrops@newsguy.com (William Cmelak of Antigo, Wisconsin)
(too old to reply)
2007-01-17 05:42:49 UTC
From: Hoodini <***@newsguy.com>
Subject: Re: Jacksonville's ass-piratejohn gilmer thinks driving a
bread truck
as a civilian contractor makes him a heroic Vietnam veteran; was - Re:
Here a VietNam Vet or Have Family/Friends Who Are?
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2007 21:03:28 -0600
Organization: Lanius ludovicianus
Lines: 75
Message-ID: <***@newsguy.com>
References: <***@dizum.com>
Reply-To: ***@newsguy.com
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Trace: individual.net
User-Agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20061207)
In-Reply-To: <***@news20.forteinc.com>

Fallow seedpod-head bob feigel, in honor of his dummi-god gilturd,
sniveled and whined via the following blather...
Subject: Re: Jacksonville's ass-piratejohn gilmer thinks driving a bread truck as a civilian contractor makes him a heroic Vietnam veteran; was - Re: Anybody Here a VietNam Vet or Have Family/Friends Who Are?
I hope a Vietnam vet kicks your fucking disrespectful monkey-ass, you
fucking loser puke!
You don't deserve to live in the United States of America you
cock-smoking cum-guzzler.
What does any of the above have to do with alt.obituaries?
What does your question have to do with the alt.fan.jimmy-buffett,
rec.motorcycles, and alt.vietnam.veterans newsgroups you posted it into?
It has nothing to do with any of these groups. But since you clearly
have no problem with cross-posting why do you bother to ask?
I only recently (within the past several days) began cross-posting in
follow-up to the initiation of it by piratejohn gilmer III, aka gilturd.
Within this short time period I did initiate several cross-posted
messages because I finally got tired of always being the good guy who
is conscientious about the ramifications of the activity.
I thought as long as mental midgets like fallow seedpod-head bob gave
me shit rather than more properly directing his whimpering and whining
concerns toward gilturd who initiates and perpetuates his internet
harassment and abuse, I'd give him something to complain about.
OK. You've told us what all these posts have to do with you as as the
good guy victim, but what does any of it have to do with any of the
groups? You still haven't answered that question.
Hopefully, someone at Moffitt Corporation, 1351 13th Avenue South,
Suite 130, Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250, http://www.moffitthvac.com,
was doing something constructive while concurrently, Pirate John
Wesley Gilmer III (aka, ***@aol.com, ***@buccaneerpress.com
***@buccaneerpress.com, ***@aol.com,
***@BuccaneerPublishing.com, ***@aol.com,
***@yahoo.com, ***@moffitthvac.com, ***@aol.com,
***@aol.com, ***@aol.com, ***@aol.com,
***@aol.com, ***@aol.com, ***@hush.com,
***@aol.com, ***@aol.com, ***@aol.com,
***@aol.com or any of the
following in this partial list of additional known aliases:
***@hush.com, ***@yahoo.com,
***@insignificant.org, ***@yahoo.com,
***@yahoo.com, ***@yahoo.com,
***@yahoo.com, ***@yahoo.com,
***@hush.com, ***@yahoo.com,
***@deadmusicians.com, ***@yahoo.com,
***@yahoo.com, ***@yahoo.com,
***@hushmail.com, ***@yahoo.com,
***@mac.hush.com, ***@hushmail.com,
Yellow-Eyed-***@hushmail.com, ***@hushmail.com,
***@eatmyshorts, ***@nerd.net, ***@retards.com,
***@deadmusicians.com, ***@aol.com,
which are all associated with http://www.buccaneerpublishing.com/,
http://www.BuccaneerPress.com, http://www.PirateJohn.com,
http://groups.google.com/group/jimmy_buffett-moderated, as well the
Atlantic Beach Vintage Motorcycle Club http://www.ABVMC.com for which
Pirate John Wesley Gilmer III boasts of being its "el presidente") who
resides at 12526 Agatite Road, Jacksonville, Florida 32258 while
sweetheart scamming the house's alleged owner Deborah Lynch (aka,
***@comcast.net of http://www.deblynchrealtor.com) who is not
worried about her privacy as stated in usenet "Message-ID:
<***@f14g2000cwb.googlegroups.com>" and instructed
him to "give the jackasses both barrels", posted the following via one
of his 50+ aliases...
2007-01-17 08:43:07 UTC
Hopefully, someone at Moffitt Corporation, 1351 13th Avenue South,
Suite 130, Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250, http://www.moffitthvac.com,
was doing something constructive while concurrently, Pirate John
Wesley Gilmer III (aka, ***@aol.com, ***@buccaneerpress.com
***@buccaneerpress.com, ***@aol.com,
***@BuccaneerPublishing.com, ***@aol.com,
***@yahoo.com, ***@moffitthvac.com, ***@aol.com,
***@aol.com, ***@aol.com, ***@aol.com,
***@aol.com, ***@aol.com, ***@hush.com,
***@aol.com, ***@aol.com, ***@aol.com,
***@aol.com or any of the
following in this partial list of additional known aliases:
***@hush.com, ***@yahoo.com,
***@insignificant.org, ***@yahoo.com,
***@yahoo.com, ***@yahoo.com,
***@yahoo.com, ***@yahoo.com,
***@hush.com, ***@yahoo.com,
***@deadmusicians.com, ***@yahoo.com,
***@yahoo.com, ***@yahoo.com,
***@hushmail.com, ***@yahoo.com,
***@mac.hush.com, ***@hushmail.com,
Yellow-Eyed-***@hushmail.com, ***@hushmail.com,
***@eatmyshorts, ***@nerd.net, ***@retards.com,
***@deadmusicians.com, ***@aol.com,
which are all associated with http://www.buccaneerpublishing.com/,
http://www.BuccaneerPress.com, http://www.PirateJohn.com,
http://groups.google.com/group/jimmy_buffett-moderated, as well the
Atlantic Beach Vintage Motorcycle Club http://www.ABVMC.com for which
Pirate John Wesley Gilmer III boasts of being its "el presidente") who
resides at 12526 Agatite Road, Jacksonville, Florida 32258 while
sweetheart scamming the house's alleged owner Deborah Lynch (aka,
***@comcast.net of http://www.deblynchrealtor.com) who is not
worried about her privacy as stated in usenet "Message-ID:
<***@f14g2000cwb.googlegroups.com>" and instructed
him to "give the jackasses both barrels", posted the following via one
of his 50+ aliases...

From: ***@hush.com
Subject: Lard-assed and cowardly Cmelak; about as frightening as used
bubble gum under a theatre seat, was Re: hey Chicken Shit Cmelak of
Antigo, Wisconsin, when are you ever going to be man enough to go to
Florida nad look up PJ? Never? Bahahahahahahahahah!!!
Date: 16 Jan 2007 13:37:06 -0800
Organization: http://groups.google.com
Lines: 101
Message-ID: <***@v45g2000cwv.googlegroups.com>
References: <***@dizum.com>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
X-Trace: posting.google.com 1168983434 18178 (16 Jan 2007
21:37:14 GMT)
X-Complaints-To: groups-***@google.com
NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2007 21:37:14 +0000 (UTC)
In-Reply-To: <***@newsguy.com>
User-Agent: G2/1.0
X-HTTP-UserAgent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; AOL 9.0; Windows
NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727),gzip(gfe),gzip(gfe)
X-HTTP-Via: HTTP/1.1 (Velocity/1.3.32 [uScMs f p eN:t cCMp s ]),
HTTP/1.1 Turboweb [dtc-tf094 8.4.1], HTTP/1.1
cache-dtc-ad07.proxy.aol.com[CDBC74C9] (Traffic-Server/6.1.5 [uScM])
Complaints-To: groups-***@google.com
Injection-Info: v45g2000cwv.googlegroups.com;
Xref: uni-berlin.de alt.fan.jimmy-buffett:191366
alt.fan.frank-zappa:384116 alt.vietnam.veterans:24317
alt.obituaries:415039 wi.general:17678

My name is William Bill Cmelak. I am a fat and stupid shithead. I have
been stalking another guy for almost three years because I am jealous
of him and because he hurt my widdle feelings over three years ago and
I just cannot get over the pain. I live in an old mobile home here:

William Cmelak
N9340 Pickerel Creek Rd
Pearson, WI 54462-8140

I drive a 25 year old military truck because that's all that I can
afford. I flunked out of trade school. I spend all of my time at my
computer using an old dial up connection. The rest of the time I watch

television 24/7. No one will give me the respect that I think that I

Two years ago I was approached by an old woman named Karen Anderson who

talked me into helping her stalk and troll this guy. She had had a
crush on him and he kicked her to the curb. She drove to his town and
followed him around for two days without him knowing it. She is also
jealous of him. Anderson has stalked several other men before.

She lives at:

Karen Anderson
3590 Narrows View Lane NE #102
Bremerton, WA 98310

Anderson and I are both addicted to stalking. We know that what we do
is wrong, and we see this other guy kick our asses all the time, but we

just don't have the willpower to stop.

I am so jealous, jealous, JEALOUS of that guy that it makes me want to
BURST. I spend all of my time researching what he does, where he
lives. Hell, I even follow his eBay account.

This dude that I hate is popular in his town and community and I HATE
that. So I make up crap about him and his girlfriend and post it to
newsgroups and generally make a nusiance out of myself. Most of what I

make up is a complete figment of my imagination but if I repeat my lies

often enough maybe someone will believe them.

This guy just drives me CRAZY. He's president of a motorcycle club,
he's involved with several charities. Everyone that meets him seems to

like him. I am so damned jealous that I cannot stand it.

Did I mention that I am jealous?

He lives in a warm climate, and I am stuck in the sticks of Wisconsin,
barely able to afford heating oil.

He travels all the time and I haven't been out of Wisconsin in years.

He is active, and my health issues keep me from leaving the house.

He motorcycles all over the country and into Mexico and I cannot ride
any more. I hate that. And I hate those damned Mexicans, even though
that doesn't make me a racist because I said so.

This guy makes more money than I do and that can't be right. I just
know there's something wrong there.

He has a girlfriend that loves him and takes care of him and I haven't
had a date with a woman for over 10 years. And when he was single he
got laid all of the time. Now that's not right either.

What can I possibly do? I am so unhappy.
Post by PirateJohn
Subject: Re: Jacksonville's ass-piratejohn gilmer thinks driving a
bread truck
Here a VietNam Vet or Have Family/Friends Who Are?
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2007 21:03:28 -0600
Organization: Lanius ludovicianus
Lines: 75
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Trace: individual.net
User-Agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20061207)
Fallow seedpod-head bob feigel, in honor of his dummi-god gilturd,
sniveled and whined via the following blather...
Subject: Re: Jacksonville's ass-piratejohn gilmer thinks driving a bread truck as a civilian contractor makes him a heroic Vietnam veteran; was - Re: Anybody Here a VietNam Vet or Have Family/Friends Who Are?
I hope a Vietnam vet kicks your fucking disrespectful monkey-ass, you
fucking loser puke!
You don't deserve to live in the United States of America you
cock-smoking cum-guzzler.
What does any of the above have to do with alt.obituaries?
What does your question have to do with the alt.fan.jimmy-buffett,
rec.motorcycles, and alt.vietnam.veterans newsgroups you posted it into?
It has nothing to do with any of these groups. But since you clearly
have no problem with cross-posting why do you bother to ask?
I only recently (within the past several days) began cross-posting in
follow-up to the initiation of it by piratejohn gilmer III, aka gilturd.
Within this short time period I did initiate several cross-posted
messages because I finally got tired of always being the good guy who
is conscientious about the ramifications of the activity.
I thought as long as mental midgets like fallow seedpod-head bob gave
me shit rather than more properly directing his whimpering and whining
concerns toward gilturd who initiates and perpetuates his internet
harassment and abuse, I'd give him something to complain about.
OK. You've told us what all these posts have to do with you as as the
good guy victim, but what does any of it have to do with any of the
groups? You still haven't answered that question.
Hopefully, someone at Moffitt Corporation, 1351 13th Avenue South,
Suite 130, Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250, http://www.moffitthvac.com,
was doing something constructive while concurrently, Pirate John
which are all associated with http://www.buccaneerpublishing.com/,
http://www.BuccaneerPress.com, http://www.PirateJohn.com,
http://groups.google.com/group/jimmy_buffett-moderated, as well the
Atlantic Beach Vintage Motorcycle Club http://www.ABVMC.com for which
Pirate John Wesley Gilmer III boasts of being its "el presidente") who
resides at 12526 Agatite Road, Jacksonville, Florida 32258 while
sweetheart scamming the house's alleged owner Deborah Lynch (aka,
him to "give the jackasses both barrels", posted the following via one
of his 50+ aliases...